
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Watch Out...

...For Hot Trends in Watches...

Must Haves: The "Boyfriend Watch", Large Faces, Gold, White, Pairing Watches with Multiple Bracelets

Personal Favorites: Michael Kors - Midsized Chronograph Watch Gold, Juicy Couture -The Beau Watch, Rolex, Cartier

I love the feminine flair on these menswear-inspired timepieces! So chic and fabulous!

(Images via Garance Dore and Simply Seductive, Michael Kors, French Vogue, Rolex, Melania Trump, A New Mode)


  1. i LOVE BIG watches - ever since i wore a watch - i ALWAYS bought from the "mens" section of watches - i love the chunky-ness of them - total statement piece - say's something about ya, i think ..

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. I completely agree with you! I never used to be super big on watches, but when I started seeing the bigger faces I had to get a few! :) I love them! I feel oddly "in charge" when I wear them!


  3. I really like when girls wear big watches. it looks classy and its also pretty BA. all of your pictures were really cool! i'm thinkin at some point i need to splurge and get meyself a really awesome, classy, businessman watch....once i have the money of course!

  4. Great post, have never thought of this idea before!
