To Address Speaker: Madam (Mister) President, Mister Chairman
Take break...I move to recess for ...
Make follow agenda...I call for the orders of the day
Lay aside temporarily...I move to lay the question on the table
Close debate...I move the previous question
Limit or extend debate...I move that debate be limited to ...
Postpone to a certain time...I move to postpone the motion to ...
Kill main motion...I move that the motion be postponed indefinitely
Bring business before assembly (a main motion)...I move that [or "to"] ...
Enforce rules...Point of Order
Suspend rules...I move to suspend the rules
Demand a rising vote...I move for a rising vote
Parliamentary law question...Parliamentary inquiry
Request for information...Point of information
Take matter from table...I move to take from the table ...
Cancel previous action...I move to rescind ...
Reconsider motion...I move to reconsider ...
Make follow agenda...I call for the orders of the day
Lay aside temporarily...I move to lay the question on the table
Close debate...I move the previous question
Limit or extend debate...I move that debate be limited to ...
Postpone to a certain time...I move to postpone the motion to ...
Kill main motion...I move that the motion be postponed indefinitely
Bring business before assembly (a main motion)...I move that [or "to"] ...
Enforce rules...Point of Order
Suspend rules...I move to suspend the rules
Demand a rising vote...I move for a rising vote
Parliamentary law question...Parliamentary inquiry
Request for information...Point of information
Take matter from table...I move to take from the table ...
Cancel previous action...I move to rescind ...
Reconsider motion...I move to reconsider ...
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